Together we find a space to
Share the joy of a job well done,
the sadness of endings
and everything inbetween
Reflect, imagine and create
what comes next for
you and your family
Gently guide you through
the transition as you move from one
life stage to the next
You love your family and you can't quite believe that family life as you have known it is changing.
As a parent you have always known the time would come when your precious ones would leave home, after all, your aim has been to nurture happy independent adults.
Their leaving brings mixed emotions and for the whole family it is a time of change and transition.
Silently you are wondering
"Am I the only parent who is finding this life stage unsettling and somewhat challenging?"
The answer: Absolutely not.
I've been where you are now and I have supported clients through multiple life transitions.
I can help you with this one too!
Parents: What Will Your Next Chapter Be?
Supporting You Through the Changing Seasons of Family Life
As a parent you have always known the time will come when your precious ones leave home.
After all, your aim has been to create happy, independent adults.
Their leaving brings mixed emotions.
And for the whole family it is a time of transition.
Read on to discover how I can support you to THRIVE in the next chapter of your life.
All change leads to periods of transition with seasonal flavours unique to us all.
Which season(s) resonate most with you?

AUTUMN: Preparing for Change
Maybe one of your teens/young adults is about to leave for the first time, or perhaps this is your last child to leave. This creates a whole range of questions about how this is going to play out for you personally and as a family, bringing mixed thoughts and emotions about how best to cope and support.

WINTER: Your Young Adult Has Left
Your young adult has left and you’re surveying the empty spaces and the unbroken silence. While you’re happy and hopeful for the next stage of their life you’re also wondering what comes next for you. At times it feels cold and bare, time to hunker down and hibernate for a while or look for the new shoots of spring?

SPRING: Finding New Shoots
You’ve weathered the leaving and now, knowing your child is settled and enjoying their newfound independence, it is time to turn your attention to you. You are considering what comes next, what buds and small shoots do you want to see? It feels like it's time to rediscover and maybe even reinvent.

SUMMER: Consolidation and time to bloom.
It has been a while since your young adult left home. You gave yourself time and space to adjust and now you are cherishing the inner knowing of a job well done. But summer will soon fade and you know it is time to solidify your ideas for the next stage of your life. It's time for new ideas and beginnings to bloom.
Breezing through or buffeted by the winds of change?
We all experience change and the period of transition that follows, differently.
The seasons are never certain or discrete, autumn can feature elements of winter, winter elements of spring.
With time, new shoots and blooms emerge and we grow into the new shapes and patterns that represent our next life stage.
What questions are the seasons prompting you to ask?
Maybe you are asking?
- How do I best support my young adult as they prepare to leave home?
- How do I support my young adult as they settle into their new world without being overbearing and intrusive?
- What kind of parent should I be now my young adult has flown the nest?
- How do I help other family members adjust?
- How can I stop worrying about my young adult?
- I feel excited about my new found freedom, not sad at all - is that OK?
- I know I want to make some changes to my life but just don't know what or how to get started?
- How do I build a great relationship with my young adult?
- What comes next for my partner and I?
- Why does the career that meant so much now seem empty and bereft of purpose?
Hello and welcome!
I'm Louise and I am excited that you are here.
As a Mum of two now adult daughters, I want you to know that I understand how this stage of life can feel.
I also know that just like the seasons, life always moves on and we do adjust to new circumstances and situations.
The family life you once enjoyed, and maybe now miss, will be replaced by new ways of being as a family.
Part of the joy of this stage will be the evolution of your family life - different but very much still your family.
Wherever you are right now, perhaps tentative and concerned about the change that is looming, sad for what has changed, grateful for new beginnings, excited for new freedoms, or questioning what is next for you.
You are in the right place.
There are no rights and wrongs in times of transition.
I look forward to supporting you in some way as you discover what the next stage of life holds for you.
Way's to get started...

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Kick Start the Next Chapter Consultation
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Access Five Ways to THRIVE Through the Seasons of Transition

Learn more about me and why I am qualified to help you

Listen to my Podcast Successful Student Transitions:
Access FIVE Ways to THRIVE Through the Seasons of Transition